For me the Bosch Cordless Race is a prestigious event that can enhance and develop the skills of every mechanical engineering students to create an efficient and fastest kart without sacrificing the strength of materials, power and safety. Bosch Cordless race is a competition of every respectful colleges and universities in the nation that a students and advisers can show their knowledge to invent a mechanism through the strong foundation of teaching of our university, the University of Mindanao. The national event has a great impact of the school in terms of recognizing the school not only in the whole nation but also in the other countries. The competition is challenging each every participants to apply their knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering like law of physics, strength of materials, , and machine design. It’s a good opportunity to show how competitive our university is. I can say that the Bosch Company has a good vision to help the students in skills development, conservation of energy and promoting green energy.
We believe that our team will conquer the challenge of building and racing the karts by our passion in our chosen field and courage to face this challenge with no doubts. We were chosen by our adviser to be part of this team because each of us possesses strong points that enough to build the best kart possible for this competition. Our team leader is an experienced welder. He has enough welding skills as his past work outside school is welding/supervising. Through this, he is very good in supervising his team mates. The second one is the team’s kart designer. He tops in our machine design subject. The third one is an experienced automotive mechanic and the team driver. He is capable of contributing in building the transmission. The fourth one is the team observer and commentor. He suggests and comments on the do’s and dont’s in making the kart better. The fifth one is very hardworking person and assists in fabricating the kart. As a whole, the team is very determined and works as a team. In addition, our adviser is very supportive, with these things in fact, we will surely win this competition.